Betsey Johnson’s 68th Birthday Bash!

Happy Birthday Betsey 1

Last night Betsey Johnson was generous enough to host a public party in her Soho store for all her customers and fans. Let me tell you, Betsey has a LOT of both!

I’m not sure how old I was personally when I first discovered Betsey Johnson, but I remember her being the first fashion designer I was really aware of, and later, in love with. Maybe it was years of reading Seventeen and YM, dreaming of someday going to Prom that first exposed me to Betsey. But her aesthetic, the tutus, crazy patterns, and bright colors weren’t far off from what I grew up wearing–my mother used to dress me in similar clothing from an amazing local boutique, sort of “betsey lite”, as a child.


Twenty odd years later, I never would have imagined I’d be going to Betsey’s fashion show, let alone her birthday bash in nyc! Before she had even arrived, the store was nearing capacity, with customers of all ages filling every corner of the boutique. I made a few rounds, taking photos and eating delicious mini treats, then decided to go outside to get some air. I ended up making the smart choice, because soon after, Betsey herself arrived–or so we thought.

A pink stretch mini-cooper containing several Betsey lookalikes arrived first:


Not long after, surprise! Betsey appeared across the street from the store, wearing a gorgeous pink dress, and riding a pink bike:



Betsey and the lookalikes posed on the pink carpet:


Betsey was touched when PAPER magazine’s photographer brought her some old fashion show photos as a birthday treat:

Betsey then went inside the store to meet and greet customers, and of course, be sung “Happy Birthday”.


Everyone working the event was dressed in their best Betsey finery, including their intern!

Happy Birthday Betsey 2


I went for a more heat conscious approach, but made sure to include some sparkle in my outfit, to get in a festive mood:

Random old black tee, long earrings from Arden B circa 2002, and a tank/vest from All Saints.

I think I left a trail of sequins all over New York City!

Kind of like the heart rose petals blowing up and down Wooster Street from the party:

I had so much fun at Betsey’s birthday bash, and feel incredibly lucky that I got to personally wish Betsey a happy birthday. If this is what she does for her 68th, I can’t wait to see what she has planned for her 70th!

See the full photo set here.

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